Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle

Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle

Product Description & Features:


Product Name:
Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle

The Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle is designed with the petite paddle boarder in mind. The Lyric has a smaller blade, shorter shaft lengths, and weighs less than most standard SUP paddles.The Lyrics blade is made of epX en

Product Group:

Product Category:
Stand-Up Paddles

Product SubCategory:
Stand-Up Paddles

Sale Price:

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Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle


Aqua-Bound Lyric 4-Piece Fiberglass Stand-Up Paddle



